※イラスト本の通常品は売り切れです CMS2023+(Normal) book is sold out, Thank you!
◆Boothでの価格について:会場価格にBooth手数料や梱包費用等をプラスした金額になっています / セット売りの方が少しお安めです
◆その他:全て匿名配送です / 一部梱包に再利用品を使うことがあります / 家に猫がいます
◆About prices at the booth: The price is the price of the venue plus sales commission of Booth and packing fee. / Set sales are slightly less expensive.
◆About Boost : I'm happy enough just to have you see my stuff, and I couldn't give you anything in particular return, So you don't mind, it's totally fine okay.🙆 Thank you!
◆Other:It is all anonymous shipping. / I may use re-purposed items for some of the packaging. / I have a cat at home. I keep them in a place where they cannot be touched my cat, but just in case, please do not purchase if you are allergic to them.